Saturday, March 17, 2007


My name is Gwyn Wright. I am a writer and my favorite subject: Pirates. I love Pirates of the Caribbean. I'm sure that other people that know me wil be able to understand where I'm coming from. Otherwise I hope you keep reading.

You walk aboard a huge vessal with a wooden, leaping lion fixed to the bowsprit. As you walk across the rainsoaked plank, you see a dark clothed figure standing on the deck, waiting for you.
"Welcome aboard", the figure says, in a feminine voice. "I rarely allow land-folk aboard my ship, so consider yourself honored,"
You get onto the deck and notice that there are very little people on the crew. Then you realize that there are a lot of cats on the ship. Everywhere you look there is a cat staring at you.
"I hope you're not superstitious, with all my cats onboard I can hardly get a proper crew." Then you see just how many cats that are roaming the ship, there are at least twenty of them. This pirate loved her cats.

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